
JBag is a reusable eco bag for a vegan restaurant using raw cotton and recycled jeans fabric from an NGO, Daterra Project.

This JBag was created as a collaboration project between Féder, my brand, Green Kitchen, a local vegan restaurant, and Daterra Project, an NGO based in the north of Brazil that uses pieces of fabric discarded by the jeans industry. The owner of Green Kitchen, Daniela Zukerman, asked me to design an Eco Bag that could accompany her customer’s daily routines. We created the bag with four outer pockets, two inner pockets, and an additional zippered pocket. The Ecobag uses raw cotton for the body and pockets. To emphasize the jean matelassê from Daterra Project, we used it as the outer lining of the bag. This project was another demonstration of the power of co-creation and the ability of design to contribute to the community.

As seen on: https://revistacasaejardim.globo.com/Casa-e-Jardim/Sustentabilidade/noticia/2021/06/designer-lanca-ecobag-com-tecido-produzido-por-mulheres-pernambucanas.html

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